5 Important Reasons you need to protect your Enterprise against data loss

data protection
Today, your enterprise or organization probably has a plan for protecting your data from hackers and outside intruders, but that isn’t enough anymore. Most organizations have confidential information that they would like to keep safe from prying eyes.

Organizations need to identify and protect this sensitive information and prevent its accidental disclosure. They may also need to prove compliance to auditors.

You may need a DLP “data loss prevention” solution and here are 5 important reasons why :

1. The inadvertent disclosure or mishandling of confidential data by internal employees can hurt your reputation and harm your competitivity. Not all data loss is the result of external, malicious attacks. DLP can detect files that contain confidential information and prevent them from leaving via the network.

2. You are concerned about your next audit and want to maintain compliance with complex governmental regulations and avoid financial penalties.
More than 60 countries including Switzerland have enacted data protection laws that require organizations in both the public and private sectors to safeguard sensitive information. Penalties for noncompliance with strict privacy regulations and breach notification laws such as those within the EU GDPR continue to grow.

3. You need to protect proprietary information against security threats caused by enhanced employee mobility and social networking.
Many employees are using social networking, instant messaging and other Web applications to keep up with consumer trends. DLP helps to prevent the accidental exposure of confidential information across these unsecure lines of communication while at the same time keeping them open for appropriate uses.

4. You would like to monitor your organization for inappropriate employee conduct and maintain an audit trail of security events as evidence.
Employees and insiders can represent a significant risk to data security. Someone who emails a work-related document to his personal email account so that he can work over the weekend may have good intentions. However, this can pose asignificant threat when there is confidential data involved.

5. Employees may have deployed some cloud storage like Dropbox to share files with external partners without your knowledge.
Do you know if large amounts of data have been moved to applications in the cloud? Protecting sensitive information in cloud solutions is critical.

If you are concerned about any of these issues, let’s begin a conversation about how to create a Data Loss Prevention framework that protects your confidential data. Depending on your infrastructure and compliance requirements we will help you find a solution that fits your needs and your budget. Request a free appointment.

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