3127_NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 Engine Implementation and Administration
The NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 Engine Implementation and Administration Training course is targeted at perspective technical members of an Identity Manager Implementation team and IT staff that will be managing it.This course teaches the core functionality of the Identity Manager 4.5 Engine. Implementers and IT Administrators will learn "Best Practice" guidelines for implementing , deploying and managing Identity Manager. Students will be performing installations and configuring an IDM environment throughout this training.The key objectives for this training are the following:
- Understand the architecture of NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5
- Install and configure an Identity Management system
- Understand the structure and schema of the embedded identity vault
- Build an Identity Vault from scratch by configuring authoritative drivers (SQL and Active Directory)
- Use the NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 tools to perform troubleshooting tasks such as performing traces and checking driver states
- How to effectively use iManager and Designer management tools
- Manage policies in Drivers
- Manage connected systems
- Perform health checks
- How to handle driver fail-over
Note: This course does NOT cover the Identity Manager 4.5 applications such as User Application, IDM Home, Self Service Password Reset, Reporting Module and Access Review. These NetIQ Identity Manager applications will be covered in detail in the new NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 Application Implementation, administration and Governance training course.Public et pré-requisThis course is for anyone administering identities in an enterprise using NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5.Students should have a basic understanding of directories and directory concepts.CertificationThis course helps prepare you for the 'Certified NetIQ Identity Manager Administrator' (CNIMA) certification exam (#050-730).CNIMA Certification Path: Certified NetIQ Identity Manager Administrator
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20 Fév 2018 |
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26 Jui 2018 |
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