3128_NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 Applications Implementation, Administration and Governance

The NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 Applications Implementation, Administration and Governance Training course is targeted at perspective technical members of an Identity Manager Implementation, Administration, and Governance teams.

This course covers the NetIQ Identity Manager 4.5 Applications. These five application include Self Service Password Reset, User Application, Identity Manager Home, Reporting Module and Access Review. Students will be performing installations of these applications and configuring them throughout this training.

The key objectives for this training are the following:
  • Understand IDM 4.5 Application Architecture
  • Install and configure each of these applications
  • Implement Self Service Password Reset following Consulting practices
  • Review resource capabilities within IDM Home and User Application
  • Build a Role and Resource Model via the User Application
  • Understand User Application Security
  • How to use the reporting module to run the reports you need
  • How to customize your reports
  • How to collect entitlement and permissions via Access Review
  • How to perform certification/Review on the access that has been granted through Identity Manager
Note: This course does NOT cover the Identity Manager 4.5 Engine. Identity Manager Engine architecture and troubleshooting is taught in the 3127 NetIQ Identity Manager Engine Implementation and Administration training course.

3127_ Training Course or previous Identity manager engine training.

This course helps prepare you for the 'Certified NetIQ Identity Manager Administrator' (CNIMA) certification exam (#050-730).
CNIMA Certification Path: Certified NetIQ Identity Manager Administrator
Date de l'événement S'inscrire
26 Jui 2017
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27 Jui 2019
Nous n'acceptons plus d'inscriptions pour cette date. Vous pouvez choisir une autre date disponible pour cet événement.

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Nos étudiants témoignent

TAG Aviation

"Les cours sont bien décomposés entre la partie théorique et pratique. L’expérience des professeurs permet d’avoir une vision professionnelle du produit.  L'instructeur n’hésite pas à donner des conseils pour l’implémentation du produit.
L'environnement de cours bien adapté."

Frederick Giroud
Systems Engineer, TAG Aviation, Meyrin
Cours suivis: OES11 / SUSE Linux

"Une journée de formation parfaitement adaptée à mon besoin et qui m'a fait gagné de nombreuses heures en me montrant les points critiques. J'ai pu directement appliquer les conseils de l'instructeur dans un important projet de migration des serveurs."

François Zeller
IT Manager, Precitrame Machines SA, Tramelan
Participation in bespoke course on OES11 / Linux