EC Council Security eLearning - CEH, ECSA, LPT Certification

EC council SecurityTraining
Since its inauguration in 2003, the Certified Ethical Hacker has been the preferred choice of IT professionals.  It is a respected security certification in the IT industry and is listed as a baseline certification in the United States Department of Defense Directive 8570. The C|EH exam is also ANSI 17024 compliant adding credibility and value to certified professionals who become accredited.
The EC Council's Security Certifications are used as a global hiring standard and are recognized by many of the Fortune 500 organizations, governments, and important cybersecurity practices. It is also a requirement in many prominent degree programs in top Universities around the globe.

With this unique eLearning training, learn at your own speed and master the security of your network to keep it safe from hackers. Each course comes complete with video training, lab exercises for training and a coupon to take the corresponding certification exam. All courses are given in English.

1. CEH - Certified Ethical Hacking (elearning)  - CORE LEVEL

This course provides you with the tools and techniques used by hackers and information security professionals alike to break into any computer system. This course will immerse you into a “Hacker Mindset” in order to teach you how to think like a hacker and better defend against future attacks. It puts you in the driver’s seat with a hands-on training environment employing a systematic ethical hacking process. You are constantly exposed to creative techniques of achieving optimal information security posture in the target organization; by hacking it! You will learn how to scan, test, hack and secure target systems. The course covers the Five Phases of Ethical Hacking, diving into Reconnaissance, Gaining Access, Enumeration, Maintaining Access, and covering your tracks.

2. ECSA - Certified Security Analyst (elearning) - ADVANCED LEVEL

Learn to be a professional PEN tester. The ECSA pen test program takes the tools and techniques you learned in the Certified Ethical Hacker course (CEH) and elevates your ability into full exploitation by teaching you how to apply the skills learned in the CEH by utilizing EC-Council’s published penetration testing methodology. This course focuses on pen testing methodology with an emphasis on hands-on experience. With ECSA certification you can demonstrate the skills necessary to be a master pen tester.

3. LPT - Certified Security Analyst (elearning) - MASTER LEVEL

To earn the prestigious EC-Council LPT (Master) Credential, you must successfully pass the toughest practical exam available. The LPT (Master) practical exam is the capstone to EC-Council’s entire information security track; beginning with the Certified Ethical Hacker Program (CEH) and continuing with the  EC Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) Program. It all culminates with the ultimate test of your career as a penetration tester – the Licensed Penetration Tester practical exam.

You will need to demonstrate a mastery of the skills required to conduct a full blackbox penetration test of a network provided to you by EC-Council on our cyber range. You will follow the entire process presented in the CEH and ECSA courses, taking you from reconnaissance, through scanning, enumeration, gaining access, maintaining access, and finally exploiting vulnerabilities.


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TAG Aviation

"Les cours sont bien décomposés entre la partie théorique et pratique. L’expérience des professeurs permet d’avoir une vision professionnelle du produit.  L'instructeur n’hésite pas à donner des conseils pour l’implémentation du produit.
L'environnement de cours bien adapté."

Frederick Giroud
Systems Engineer, TAG Aviation, Meyrin
Cours suivis: OES11 / SUSE Linux

"Une journée de formation parfaitement adaptée à mon besoin et qui m'a fait gagné de nombreuses heures en me montrant les points critiques. J'ai pu directement appliquer les conseils de l'instructeur dans un important projet de migration des serveurs."

François Zeller
IT Manager, Precitrame Machines SA, Tramelan
Participation in bespoke course on OES11 / Linux