3134_SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Administration
Administration of SAP Applications on SLESSUSE Linux Enterprise Server is the only operating system optimized for all mission-critical SAP NetWeaver software solutions and appliances. The operating system is based on the newest SUSE Linux Enterprise technology, a highly reliable, scalable, secure and optimized server operating system that is built to power physical, virtual and cloud applications. The operating system is validated and certified by SAP, making it uniquely positioned to support all of your SAP software solutions including appliances.
This course is designed for system administrators that administer SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for SAP Applications installations.
Course Outline:
- Introduction to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications
- Administration of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Storage Administration*
- Administration of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 regarding SAP Applications
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- An Introduction to SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
Course PrerequisitesBefore taking this course, you should meet the following prerequisites:Basic system administration skills, such as being able to work with the command line, and general computer knowledge (such as understanding is Partitioning, RAID, Volume Management) are strongly recommended. Basic knowledge of SAP administration is helpful but not a prerequisite for this course.
Event Date
15 Oct 2018 |
Event End Date
19 Oct 2018 |
Individual Price
CHF 3,550.00 |
We are no longer accepting registration for this date, you may try choosing other dates, if available for this event.
CHF 3,550.00